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Chute Dogging

FFA Chute Dogging is open to all FFA members grades 9-12. All participants must be in good standing with their FFA chapter and academically eligible.

1. There will be 10 contestants each night. Each high school should be represented each night to compete for a belt buckle. In the event a high school FFA cannot secure two students by then the committee will fill the positions.

2. These students will be from Humble ISD FFA programs, four students from each high school.

3. There will be a $10 entry fee that should accompany the entry form.

4. Each student must turn in an entry form at joint FFA meeting on TBD.

5. Students will be judged by rodeo personnel on how fast to dog a steer from standing position starting in rodeo chute.

6. Each night there will be a belt buckle awarded to the student with the fastest time. The buckle will be awarded by a sponsor and a picture taken with the student.

7. The selected students must arrive no later than 6:10 p.m. of the night he/she is scheduled to participate.

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