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Highlighted Rules & Information

Below are some of the rules that need to be highlights, but this is not the entire contents of the Rules Packet. Please be certain to read and sign off on your Rules Packet. It is the cooking teams responsibility to be familiar, and obey, by all the rules set forth in the Rules Packet.

Cooker Parking

Each registered cooking team is allotted 1 Cook Team Parking Pass. Each pass allows a vehicle (car, truck, van, etc.) to enter the east gate of the Humble Civic Center Arena complex off Will Clayton Parkway. These passes must be placed on the dashboard for clear view and must be present before arrival at gate.

Any vehicle in these lots without a Cook Team Parking Pass will and can be towed at the owner’s expense.

There will be no cooker parking in any other parking areas within the Humble Civic Center. No exceptions.


Cooker wristbands are included with the cooker packet, per team registered. There will be enough wristbands for all cookers on team. Wristbands will need to be worn at all times during cook-off.


  • Each team will be allocated approximately 30' x 40' space(s). Easements are not offered for sale.
  • Props, trailers, motor homes, tents (including water barrels), etc… covering any other part of cook team equipment MUST NOT EXCEED THE BOUNDARIES OF THE ASSIGNED SPACE. NO EXCEPTIONS! Easements are not to be used. Safety access is needed during the event.
  • Tent companies may not be scheduled to arrive for set up on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 8:00 AM. Tear down must begin Sunday, February 2, 2025 after 7:00 AM and must be complete by 12:00 Noon.
  • All Tents Companies must use Water Barrels; stakes of any kind are prohibited. (City of Humble Ordinance) NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Cook teams may not exceed a maximum of four (4) cook-off spaces that qualify for Competitions.
Damage to any utilities will be the responsibility of the cook team! (To be billed by Humble Rodeo and BBQ Cook Off Committee)


  • Portable fire extinguishers must be present for the type of fire or oil being used per 30 X 40 per space, in full view.
  • No smoking in enclosed tents.
  • The Fire Marshall will be tagging “occupancy limits” on all enclosed tents.
  • Hay bales are not permitted inside or outside your tent areas.


1.Head Cooks are responsible for the conduct of their team members and guests.

2.Excessive use of alcoholic beverages may be grounds for disqualification,

3.Under no circumstances are alcoholic beverages to be distributed to the public by contestants.

  • NO ONE UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE SHALL BE SERVED OR ALLOWED TO CONSUME ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON THE GROUNDS. Each team must monitor its own area as it pertains to minors.
  • Each cook team must comply with all laws pertaining to the serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Security officers and committee personnel will be permitted to all areas of the Cook Off, including all Cook Off team tents, etc. and will have authority to handle matters in accordance with the law.
  • NO LEWD OR INAPPROPRIATE ACTS will be tolerated. Any cooks, guests, staff, etc. participating in or allowing inappropriate activities in their assigned spaces will be disqualified from the Cook Off, the cooker’s event will be shut down, and the team involved will be removed from the premises immediately and not allowed to participate in future Humble BBQ Cook Offs.

4. Any cook team having inappropriate music, entertainment, contests, etc. may be asked to leave the contest area immediately.

Partnering Tent Company

Humble BBQ Cook-Off & Rodeo have partnered up with Houston Tents & Events and consider them the preferred tent company of the Humble BBQ Cook-Off.

If you rent a tent through Houston Tents & Events then your tent will be set up on the same day as all the tents used by Humble BBQ Cook-Off.

You DO NOT have to use Houston Tents & Events, you are still welcome to use any tent company you prefer.
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